Welcome to cumannnambunscolwaterford.com website.
Our website will provide all relevant information for Primary Schools GAA activities in Waterford.
Our News
Our News page will be updated regularly with all related schools and competitions information
See News
Our Schools
Each school has their own individual school profiles page with links to school website
See Schools
Rules & Guidelines
All Schools involved are asked to practice Respect for Referees, Players, Teachers and Schools at all times
Camogie & Hurling
Gaelic Football
A Chairde,

Welcome to cumannnambunscolwaterford.com. Our website will provide all relevant information for Primary Schools GAA activities in Waterford. All our fixtures, results and news will be accessible on the website. We have over thirty schools affiliated to the board and each school will have their own page where news regarding GAA activities in each individual school can be posted.
We acknowledge the excellent work which teachers are doing in the schools promoting our National Games. We wish to thank Allianz the national sponsor of Cumann na mBunscol for their continued support. In addition we acknowledge the support of the Munster Council, Waterford County Board, Waterford Coaching & Games Committee and the local GAA Clubs who have always given us the fullest of cooperation.